

PR - Dr en Biologie cellulaire et moléculaire

Professor in Cellular and Molecular Biology – CNU section : 65
Département Scientifique Interfacultaire (DSI)
Université des Antilles (UA) Campus de Schoelcher 97200 MARTINIQUE

Université des Antilles et de la Guyane.

Université Claude Bernard and Institut Français de la Fièvre Aphteuse (IFFA), Rhône-Mérieux, Lyon.

Teaching Experience

Since 2009 : UNIVERSITE DES ANTILLES and (UAG) – DSI – Campus de Schoelcher
In charge of the BSc in Biology and Biochemistry (2009-2016).

1995-2009 : UNIVERSITE DES ANTILLES ET DE LA GUYANE (UAG) – Guadeloupe UFR des Sciences Exactes et Naturelles, Département de Biologie.
Teaching responsabilities : BSc in Biology and Biochemistry
Setting up the Master Biology-Health ; In charge of this Master (2005-2009).

Subjects taught : Cellular Biology, Genetics, Immunology, Molecular Biology, Cancer, Genetic diseases.

1993-1995 : UNIVERSITY of WESTMINSTER, London – Assistant Lecturer in Molecular Biology.

Research Experience

Since 2009 : UNIVERSITE DES ANTILLES et de la GUYANE EA929 – AIHP- GEODE –Head of the Research Group BIOSPHERES. Martinique Campus.
Research Projects : Valorizing plant and marine Biodiversity, Health applications, Cancer biomarkers.

1996-2009 : UNIVERSITE DES ANTILLES et de la GUYANE, Research Group DYNECAR and Research Group GREFCC, Guadeloupe campus. Research Projects : Proteomic study of colorectal cancer. Isolation of marine molecules with potential applications.

1990-95 : IMPERIAL CANCER RESEARCH FUND – I.C.R.F., Colorectal Cancer Research Unit, St Mark’s Hospital, London, UK. Project : Isolating a gene involved in familial colorectal cancer, Gene mutation studies.

1987-90 : HUMAN TUMOUR IMMUNOLOGY GROUP – H.T.I.G., Middlesex Hospital, London, UK. Project : Use of monoclonal antibodies in the study of marginal and mantle B cell populations.

1985-87 : NATIONAL INSTITUTE for MEDICAL RESEARCH – N.I.M.R – MRC, Mill Hill, London, UK. Project : Study of a human DNA repair gene involved in x-ray damages.

1981-84 : INSTITUT FRANCAIS DE LA FIEVRE APHTEUSE – (French Institute of Foot and Mouth Disease – FMD) I.F.F.A de Rhône Mérieux, Lyon, France.
PhD Research project : Molecular studies of FMD strains.